The trust
"Council of Research & Sustainable
Development" (Reg. No. 719/15) has been
established in the managing trusteeship of Dr.
Mahesh Chandra. The office of the council is
situated at 93, Vishal Kunj Dehtora Road, Bodla, Agra-282007
The council is publishing four peer reviewed/referred international journals (Annals
of Education; Annals of Natural Sciences; Asian Journal of
Management, Engineering & Computer Sciences; and Asian
Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences) in the
subject of education; natural sciences; management,
engineering & computer sciences; and agriculture and life
sciences. These journals are giving platform to the
scientists, teachers, scholars and students to express their
academic view points.
We pray good to maintain our pace and peace.
Dr. Mahesh Chandra
(Managing Trustee)
Council of Research & Sustainable Development